D.м.𝐆. dark melodic groove

9 or 10 pm every Tuesday

Why did you choose your DJ name ?

The name represents the style of my music ... Ⓓ. dark м. melodic 𝐆. groove

DJ Biography / overview / Bit about yourself and how you got into Djing and where you have played:

Christian has loved electronic music since his youth.Through hardcore, electro and hard techno he arrived at his current style:Melodic techno with a pinch of minimal, always danceable, often spherical, sometimes dark. Christian's home base is in Staßfurt, the well-known industrial city in Saxony-Anhalt. He has already performed in many different and often interesting places like this Institute for the Future Leipzig, station endless in Halle, Salbker Water Tower/ Love Foundation Magdeburg, 360 Degree Washable Leipzig, Old store Schlanstedt, Clubproton Hettstedt.Since 2023, Christian has been playing live for an hour every Thursday evening on Radio energy1058.com.

What or who are your influences to play what you play?

Anthony Rother Sven VäthDJ HellDJ Karotte

What other intrests or hobbies do you have apart from Energy1058?

I like going outside with my dog Miro and loving techno parties