Full name
Ryan Arthurs
Genres played:
Why did you choose your DJ name ?
Suga came from a sample from a mix which was “sugarbush”. I shortened it after watching one of the newer series of Top Boy, where the Jamaican cartel leader Sugar was introduced and so it inspired me to use some samples from that and shorten the name to Suga.
DJ Biography / overview / Bit about yourself and how you got into Djing and where you have played:
I started dabbling in Djing while I was in first year at University. I picked up a controller for cheap and me and friend would practice and mess about. If it wasn’t for him and his mate I wouldn’t have been introduced into jungle and everything oldskool nor would I have found a love and appreciation of its history and roots which took me deeply. After 6 years I finally started playing out after discovering the confidence and belief I was ready to do so and since February 22, I’ve got a residency with a jungle collective, supported a few big names and now have a residency on a sick station and it can only get better.
What or who are your influences to play what you play?
There are many influences in what I love to play. Firstly my good friend Tom and Rashead who turned me onto jungle and the roots. Famous names are the likes of Kenny Ken, Ray Keith, Uncle Dugs, DJ Ron, Bailey, Brian Gee. All for the styles and sounds they represent and promote, they are just sounds that for me are just deep.
What other intrests or hobbies do you have apart from Energy1058?
I’m also an artist/painter in my own time when I put the effort into doing it. Always have been an arty type since a yout and it will always be part me same as music. Also an avid skater when I’m not being lazy either and the weathers good.You can normally find me at Plymouth Civic during the hot and good weather days.